Toshiyuki Shibata
In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brain.
George Szell
Toshiyuki Shibata is a diverse musician who plays a flute, piccolo, alto flute, baroque flute and classical/romantic keyed flute. His repertoire covers largely from baroque to contemporary music.
A native of Takamatsu, Japan, he studied linguistics at Osaka University, eventually moved into New York to focus on music education. Having studied in New York, he becames an active concert flutist appeared in America’s leading venues as well as a session musician in recording studios.
After moving to Belgium, he developed a deeper interest in early music repertoire. Having studied at the Royal Conservatories in Antwerp, Ghent, and Brussels, he has been an active flutist playing both on Boehm system and historical flutes. He has worked with the Brussels Philharmonic (formerly the Flemish Radio Orchestra), the Chamber Orchestra of Belgium, La Petite Bande, Le Concert Lorrain, Vox Luminis, Bach Plus, and Il Fondamento. In 2019, he toured Japan with B'Rock Orchestra as a soloist alongside Lucie Horsch.
As an active chamber musician, Shibata collaborates with Bart Naessens, Guy Penson, Frank Agsteribbe, and Anthony Romaniuk, with whom he recorded his latest CD, J.S. Bach: Sonatas, Fantasias & Improvisations, released by Fuga Libera. The duo was be featured on NHK BS's 'Classic Club,' a one-hour classical music program, in June 2024. Their second album is set for release in the summer of 2025 by Channel Classics.
Toshiyuki Shibata has performed as a soloist at numerous international festivals, including the Tokyo Spring Festival, Bach Academie Brugge, and Thüringer Bachwochen. He currently teaches traverso at CRR Aubervilliers in France and at the Stedelijk Conservatorium Brugge in Belgium.
[JP]ベルギー在住のフルート奏者。ブリュッセル・フィルハーモニック、ベルギー室内管弦楽団などで研鑽を積んだ後、古楽の世界に転身。ラ・プティット・バンド、イル・フォンダメント、ヴォクス・ルミニス、ル・コンセール・ロランなどヨーロッパの古楽アンサンブルに参加。2019年には、ベルギーのB’Rockオーケストラの日本ツアーにソリストとして抜擢された。2020年のコロナ禍に『デリバリー古楽』をプロデュースし、「四十雀賞」を受賞。2022年には鍵盤の鬼才アンソニー・ロマニウクと『J.S.バッハ:フルートソナタ集』(Fuga Libera)をリリースし、レコード芸術の特選盤、レコード“裏”アカデミー賞に選出された。同年、作曲家藤倉大のトラヴェルソと古楽オーケストラの為の協奏曲をB‘Rockオーケストラと共同委嘱した。
これまでに「テューリンゲン・バッハ週間」「バッハ・アカデミー・ブルージュ音楽祭」「東京・春・音楽祭2022」などの国際的な音楽祭にてリサイタルを演奏。2018年までアントワープの王立音楽院図書館・フランダース音楽研究所の研究員として勤務。ぶらあぼONLINE『古楽とその先と』プレゼンター。これまでに、『音楽の友』『パイパーズ』Webマガジン『ONTOMO』音楽メディア『FREUDE』などに寄稿。2017年より「たかまつ国際古楽祭」の芸術監督を務める。2024年6月、NHK BS『クラシック倶楽部』に出演。2025年1月よりフランスのオーベルヴィリエ・ラ・クルヌーヴ地方音楽院古楽科教授代行、ベルギーのブルージュ市立音楽院で講師代行としてフラウト・トラヴェルソを教える。趣味は讃岐うどん作り。
J.S. Bach: Sonatas, Fantasias & Improvisations
Johann Sebastian Bach
This project represents a starting point in gently opening up the possibilities of incorporating an element of improvisation into the oeuvre of Bach's chamber music. Given that both Toshi and Anthony are improvising musicians, able and willing to extemporise in a variety of genres (jazz, folk music, early music, etc.), but also being devotees of the repertoire and musical language of Bach, it seemed natural to use certain works of Bach’s as a basis for new invention. The result is a fresh approach to Bach, where improvisation is part of the overall soundscape, whether through ornamentation, basso continuo or entire passages opened up for ‘jamming’.
Toshiyuki Shibata, traverso
Anthony Romaniuk, fortepiano/harpsichord
*レコード芸術22.4月号 室内楽部門にて「特選盤」に選出
Sonatas for Flute & Continuo
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
"The emotion has awakened." Introducing the dark side of C. P. E. Bach's chamber music for flute and continuo.
Toshiyuki Shibata, traverso
Bart Naessens, harpsichord
* レコード芸術19.11月号 輸入盤CD「今月の特選盤」に選出
Flauto Accompagnato
Johann Sebastian Bach
From 1738 to 2018, from Leipzig to Ghent, the Miry ensemble invites the listener to push the doors of a dreamed Café Zimmermann, with a program based on Bach's flute and music, by re-weaving the timeless links that exist between music and friendship, "for the recreation of the spirit of the amateurs".
Patrick Beuckels, traverso
Elisabeth Joyé, clavecin
Romina Lischka, viole de gambe
Dirk Vandaele, violonToshiyuki Shibata, traverso
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